Atlantic Ocean Fishing Report on Invalid Date
Published Date: August 25, 2022
Fun day of the reef
Atlantic Ocean
Ran out today with Mike, his son Garett, Andrew, and Pat. We had high hopes for some good catches. It was hard not to with the perfect conditions. Clear, blue water, finally 75 degrees, bait all around, light breeze. Perfect.
As we headed out to the reef we came upon a nervous pod of bait. I cast a metal through the fracas, but no takers. We saw another nervous school, and then had a king mackeral launch put of the water in front of the boat. That was cool. Given all the signs, we figured if the reef fishing was poor, we had trolling to fall back on.
We hit the reef and started to work over the rubble. We were one of five boats early on. We picked up two short sea bass, a sea robin, and a keeper fluke. Garrett hauled the fluke up.
We moved around the reef to different structures trying to find a decent, steady bite. Didn't happen. We'd get sea bass nibbles, and an occasional AL decent bite, but nothing consistent. Pat managed a decent sized squid. It was a cool catch at least. And made for some fresh calamari.
We moved to another wreck to see if our luck might improve. It didn't. After a few drifts we moved again. And again, it was devoid of life. Nibbles, but nothing of substance. So we decided to try trolling.
I set up three rods, two with plugs, one with a small Clark spoon. We poked along at six miles per hour in hopes of something fun grabbing a line. We passed a big school of rainfish, and more of the other small nervous baits. They were to small to be bunker or herring. And larger than the rainfish. Not sure if they were tinker mackeral or something else. A small shiny fish jumped in our spread, but didn't bite anything. We trolled to a lump and called it quits for trolling.
We noticed another charter trolling the lump and catching little blues. I figured why troll when we can cast metals? So, we did. We loaded up on the blues. We kept 16 for dinner and bait. They ateast provided some much needed fun and saved what was an otherwise poor day of fishing. Not that it wasn't fun, because it was. But it's nice to catch too. And of course I heard from a friend, who had a buddy on a headboat today. They fished the same area we started in and supposedly mugged up on some nice flounder. So the lesson here is, I need to slow it down, work the areas over more thoroughly, and keep at it regardless of the initial action. Tomorrow is another day. I will definitely work the area over more patiently. Hopefully it works...
Tight Lines!
Gear & Tackle Used:
spinning rids with high low rigs with squid and fish strips as bait. we also tossed small metals. and we trolled some plugs too.
spinning rids with high low rigs with squid and fish strips as bait. we also tossed small metals. and we trolled some plugs too.
Light Fishing Pressure
Water clarity
Crystal Clear, Over 12 Feet
Scenic setting
Clear & Open
Light Fishing Pressure
Crystal Clear, Over 12 Feet
Clear & Open